Monday, November 27, 2017

Home Inspection Done

Above, the house today. Photo from the inspector's report.

The home inspection has been completed on the house in Jamestown, New Mexico and it came out pretty well in general.

There are a few things, more of a minor nature, that do need to be corrected. Some shingles on the roof need replacing, particularly near the swamp cooler. Some boards on the deck are loose and need to be repaired. One or two steps are loose, which need to be fixed due to a potential safety hazard. The step railing is loose, another potential safety hazard. There is a loose toilet in the guest bathroom that needs to be taken care of (and having the flooring checked for any damage). The sink fixture in the same bathroom needs replacement. Hurricane straps need to be installed to secure the structure to the foundation and to check for any uneven pillars, etc. Outside drainage needs to be corrected so that water won't compromise the foundation.

Otherwise, the house came out okay.

It is up to the seller to remedy these issues or knock off a chunk off the selling price. I think they'd be better off doing the repairs (and have them verified) rather than having money deducted from the selling price. I'll have to discuss this further with the realtor and we'll go from there. We'll see.

All in all, it is generally just minor stuff.

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