Saturday, November 18, 2017

Japan and Female Solo Travelers

Above, the pagoda at Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

If you're a female solo traveler who wants to vacation at a place that is suitable, you may want to seriously consider vacationing in Japan.

The Huffington Post has a new article on "7 Reasons Why Japan Is Amazing For Solo Female Travelers".

It starts with:
When choosing a suitable destination to travel to as a solo female, Japan may not be the first place that springs to mind, and that isn’t for any derogatory reason, but simply because there is not enough information out there about precisely how female friendly Japan actually is. 
Solo female travelers, particularly first timers or relatively inexperienced travelers may opt for places where there is a well-trodden route, where countless solo females have gone before them, and where there are plentiful resources available to help them plan their trips. Unfortunately, not all of this is in place to help a fabulous independent female plan her trip to Japan so perhaps she will wind up dismissing it as an option, and go for a ‘safer’ choice such as Europe or South East Asia instead. 
However, these ladies are certainly missing out. Not only are the Japanese extremely polite and helpful by nature, there are also many measures in place in Japan designed to make solo females feel comfortable - such as women’s only accommodation and carriages on trains. Here’s why Japan is perfect for solo female travelers.

To read more, go here

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