Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Leftist Loon Xavier Becerra and National Park Fee Proposal

The Looney Left Report

California's leftist loon Attorney General Xavier Becerra is leading a group of mainly Democrat attorneys general of 10 states to threaten legal action if a proposed national park fee hike (to deal with a $11 billion backlog of projects and maintenance) goes through.

SF Gate reported:
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra led top attorneys from 10 states Wednesday in threatening legal action against the Trump administration for planning to more than double national park entrance fees. 
A letter drafted by Becerra and signed by representatives of the mostly blue states says the proposal to increase the price of admission at Yosemite and 16 other marquee parks — to $70 per vehicle during the busy season — is not only unfair to many less affluent Americans but is inconsistent with national park policies. 
“Our goal as a nation should be to make our national parks supremely inviting and encourage more families to visit them,” Becerra said in a prepared statement. “Instead, the Trump administration proposes the complete opposite.”

Gee, where was Becerra when his party jacked up the gasoline tax and increasing the cost of vehicle registrations in California? That will put more of a damper on the "less affluent American's" means to visit national parks. What do you say to that Mr. Becerra? Does jacking up registration fees and the gas tax even bother you?

I am not in favor of the fee proposal in dealing with the backlog, but it seems that these lunatics are always willing to spend taxpayers' money on politically-driven legal actions. Hypocrites!

To read more, go here.

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