Thursday, November 9, 2017

On The Road Again

Above, Teepee Trading near the New Mexico-Arizona border. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

My "little jaunt" to Gallup, New Mexico was a fruitful one.

I became enamored with the town when I drove through it last year while traveling to Illinois. Frankly, I am disgusted with California.

Above, a teepee just isn't complete without a satellite dish. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I met with a realtor in Gallup and looked at three properties. Two of the three were favorable. One of them was an old home at downtown Gallup that was built in 1920. It was in good shape and had built-in wooden cabinets and a big root cellar. I told the realtor that it could be Grandpa Munster's laboratory. But, I wanted something more contemporary. It would be interesting to restore it to its 1920s appearance. This would be more appropriate for someone a little younger than me.

The other property was on the outskirts and I liked it so much that I am considering putting in a bid for it.

Above, The Beast at Meteor Crater RV Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

That done, I retired for a final night at the USA RV Park. It got down to 20 degrees last night, but I had plenty of heating inside the RV.

The return trip to California began this morning and I made a stop at an Indian trading post (a kitschy place) to pick up some cigars called Teepee Traders.

Above, the big teepee has a gift shop and a big humidor stocked with a large assortment of cigars. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I will be staying at Trailer Village at Grand Canyon National Park this weekend.

Above, Meteor Crater RV Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

For tonight, I decided to stay at the Meteor Crater RV Park near, you guessed it, Meteor Crater. Since I toured Meteor Crater last year, I have no desire to do another tour.

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