Friday, December 8, 2017

A Doctor Visit

Above, the posters in the examination room. Photo by Armand Vaquer

Today started out with a visit to the doctor's office.

The cold I came down with a week ago still hasn't subsided and the smoke in the air from all of the surrounding fires hasn't helped my breathing any. The smoke actually made it worse.

So, off to the doctor I went.

My regular doctor was on vacation so I was seen be a fill-in doctor.  I was seen after a half-hour wait in the examining room. While waiting, I noticed posters on the wall. One pertaining to pregnancy and birth for the ladies and one pertaining to the prostate, for the guys. Typical "decor" for a medical clinic's examination room

However, on a table was a model of a vaginal ring device. It looked rather peculiar. It looked like something for a man to, uh, "try" out. (I wonder how many guys actually did "try" that thing out while sitting there waiting? Yuck!)

Above, the vaginal ring device model. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Finally, the doctor came in.

After checking my vital signs, etc., he prescribed some anti-biotics and other medications. I then headed to the pharmacy that was nearby. The meds are pretty much the same ones that were prescribed when I had bronchitis last April.

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