Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Assemblyman Matt Dababneh Allegedly Exposes Self To Female Lobbyist

Above, Assemblyman Matthew Dababneh, who is accused of assaulting a femaly lobbyist.

It is bad enough to live in a congressional district occupied by a wacko Democrat. In this case, the wacko is Brad Sherman. Now it appears I also live in an assembly district occupied by a perv Democrat assemblyman, who happens to be a Sherman associate, Matt Dababneh.

The Washington Post reported:
A state assemblyman in California has been accused of masturbating in front of a lobbyist in the bathroom at a social gathering in the latest claims of work-related sexual impropriety leveled at a man in a position of power. 
Matt Dababneh, a Democratic assemblyman who represents a district in Southern California, allegedly followed Pamela Lopez into a bathroom and masturbated in front of her, according to an account she gave at a news conference on Monday. Lopez said she has filed a complaint with the state assembly. 
The accusation comes in the midst of a national reckoning on sexual misconduct in the workplace. The spotlight has been on California’s legislature since October, when more than 140 women, many with high-powered jobs, called out a “pervasive” culture of harassment in the state’s political world and asked other women to speak up. 
Lopez, a lobbyist who works for K Street Consulting, had signed the letter and shared an account of the alleged assault in the New York Times at the time. But Monday was the first time she named the legislator she said was responsible.

Yes, these Democrats are really helping California to live up to its nickname, "the land of fruits and nuts".

What should we call him? "Matt The Masturbator"?

To read more, go here.

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