Friday, December 22, 2017

California In A Recession?

California may be in a recession.

If so, it should really come as no surprise given the crazy laws the state and cities have enacted such as the job-killing $15/hour minimum wage and hiking taxes.

According to Zero Hedge:

When it comes to the health of his state's economy, California Governor Jerry Brown has been walking on eggshells this year. 
Twice each year, once in January and again in May, Gov. Jerry Brown warns Californians that the economic prosperity their state has enjoyed in recent years won't last forever.
Brown attaches his admonishments to the budgets he proposes to the Legislature – the initial one in January and a revised version four months later.

Brown's latest, issued last May, cited uncertainty about turmoil in the national government, urged legislators to "plan for and save for tougher budget times ahead," and added:

"By the time the budget is enacted in June, the economy will have finished its eighth year of expansion – only two years shorter than the longest recovery since World War II. A recession at some point is inevitable."

It's certain that Brown will renew his warning next month. Implicitly, he may hope that the inevitable recession he envisions will occur once his final term as governor ends in January, 2019, because it would, his own financial advisers believe, have a devastating effect on the state budget. 
Unfortunately for Governor Brown, the recession he fears may already have arrived in California.

If California is in a recession, he can thank himself and his Democrat Party for hastening it.

To read more, go here

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