Friday, December 22, 2017

California's War On Ammunition Starts January 1

  1. 1.
    the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation.
    "copyright infringement"
  2. 2.
    the action of limiting or undermining something.
    "the infringement of the right to privacy"

Folks, what follows is a blatant infringement of California's Second Amendment rights.

From Breitbart:
California’s war on guns will soon broaden to a war on ammunition as a ban on the possession of bullets purchased out-of-state takes effect January 1, 2018. 
This is one of many steps going into effect which will quickly place ammunition under controls similar to those which Democrat lawmakers have placed on firearms. 
According to the Sacramento Bee, it will also be illegal “to transfer or buy ammo” from anyone other than a licensed dealer within the state, beginning January 1. California residents can order ammunition from a catalog as long as they have that ammunition shipped to a licensed dealer for pickup. The dealer will then add a “processing fee” to the cost of the ammunition. 
In this scenario, a “processing fee” is just another tax that law-abiding citizens will pay for the bullets they buy.

And, it gets worse.

In 2019, Californians will have to undergo a background check just to buy ammo!

These are obviously infringements of our Second Amendment rights and, therefore, unconstitutional.

Does anyone really want to live in this tyrannical state?

To read more, go here.

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