Friday, December 8, 2017

Democrats Want To Screw California Drivers Even More

The Looney Left Report

It appears that jacking up the gasoline tax and the fees to register motor vehicles isn't enough for California Democrats. Now they are looking into taxing California drivers by the mile.

The Sacramento Bee reported:
Weeks into a new gas tax hike, California transportation officials said Thursday they are studying ways to charge drivers based on how many miles they drove since their last fill-up rather than the amount of fuel they use. 
The problem? California drivers are choosing such fuel-efficient cars that the state fears it will be deprived of enough road construction revenues in the long run. 
The Caltrans study – the California Road Charge Pilot Program report – is billed as a way for the state to move from its longstanding but outmoded pump tax to a system where drivers pay based on their odometer readings. 
Caltrans Deputy Director Carrie Pourvahidi said the state will send out a request early next year to technology companies for ideas on a simple communication system at gas stations or electric charging stations that can instantly tell how many miles the car has driven.

This kind of taxation will hit lower income people the hardest. Others will just leave the state. Who wants to live in a state that is so tax-happy?

To read more, go here

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