Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Fodor's Top Vacation Destinations For 2018

Above, Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One of the world's leading travel information sources, Fodor's comes out with their annual lists of destinations to go to and destinations to avoid.

The Mercury News has their list of top vacation destinations for 2018.

They begin with:
Last week, we brought you Fodor’s NO list, which featured 10 destinations to avoid in 2018. Now we’re exploring Fodor’s wanderlust-inspiring GO list of 52 destinations to explore in the coming year. If you’re thinking what we’re thinking (who gets to take 52 vacations in a year??), think of it this way: Armchair travel is fun, too. 
The list includes not only destination information, but hotel suggestions, insider tips and even book recommendations. Heading for Marrakesh, Morocco? Fodor’s travel experts call it a “romantic desert oasis,” suggest you get lost in the mazelike medina, hike in the Atlas Mountains and read Paul Bowles’ “The Sheltering Sky” to get in the mood. 
Prefer blues, barbecue and Elvis Presley? Memphis is No. 6 on the list, with recommendations for where to hear great music (Beale Street), indulge your Presley fandom (Graceland), indulge in barbecue (Corky’s) and read (pretty much anything by John Grisham).

To read more, go here

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