Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Japan Turns On The Charm To Lure Tourists

Above, the main gate of Toho Studios in Setagaya. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Until the past few years, tourism in Japan has not been a powerhouse for their economy. All that is changing.

According to The National:
Some financial institutions and other businesses in Japan are endeavouring to attract visitors to the country's regions and rural areas as the torism sector powers up to be a key plank in the country's economy. 
"Japan's tourism industry is on the verge of becoming a major economic engine for the country, the management consulting firm McKinsey says in its report titled The future of Japan’s tourism: Path for sustainable growth towards 2020. 
In 2020, Japan will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games - a global platform for its people, culture, and landmarks. 
Recently, tourism has been positioned as an engine to solve social challenges in Japan and support economic growth. The McKinsey report describes how Japan has the potential to more than double its annual GDP growth, to 3 per cent, by increasing productivity.

To read more, go here

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