Monday, December 11, 2017

Leftist Bimbos Are Back

The Looney Left Report

Here we go again. 

Three women who appeared last year during the campaign claiming that President Trump "sexually harassed" them are back at it again. This time, they appeared at a joint press conference sponsored by left-wing movie company Brave New Films, which is, by the way, bankrolled by leftist billionaire George Soros.

First, there's Samantha Holvey, who claims Trump came backstage when she and other contestants in the 2006 Miss USA pageant were dressing. She debunked her own story it turns out.

According to
A former 2006 Miss USA contestant wanted us to believe that that Donald Trump saw her “naked” backstage while she was getting her hair and makeup done for the show. 
However, there’s one MAJOR problem with her claim. 
The woman was not “naked.” 
By her own admission, she was wearing a ROBE, and “naked” underneath.
Aren't we all "naked" underneath our clothes?

Next, is Rachel Crooks, who says Trump forcibly kissed her on the mouth. Crooks Was a Campaign Contributor & Supporter of Hillary Clinton & Likes a Site on Facebook Called ‘Liberals in America’. Trump has described her accusation as "fiction".

Lastly, there's Jessica Leeds, who says she was groped and forcibly kissed by Trump on a commercial flight decades ago.

From Fox 6 Now:
In a second case, in which Jessica Leeds accuses Trump of groping her on an airplane, the Trump campaign provided an alleged witness who refutes Leeds' story. 
"Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious," Anthony Gilberthorpe told New York Post. The article says the Trump campaign arranged the interview, and Gilberthorpe offered no evidence.
Then again, Leeds offered no evidence that the alleged incident ever took place either.

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