Monday, December 18, 2017

National Park Foundation Hits 50!

The National Park Foundation is celebrating its 50th anniversary today.

From the Sierra Sun Times:
December 18, 2017 - WASHINGTON — Countless individuals, beloved trails and landscapes, historic buildings, and treasured artifacts have benefited from the tireless efforts of the National Park Foundation since December 18, 1967. 
Established by congressional charter, the National Park Foundation has invested more than $700 million in priority projects across the National Park System to date. As the official nonprofit partner to the National Park Service, the National Park national park foundation brings together individuals, foundations, and companies in support of America’s natural, cultural, and historical sites. 
“At 50, proud to report that we’re hitting our stride. Extending beyond one park, the National Park Foundation raises money and establishes innovative partnerships to benefit National Park Service sites and programs coast to coast and on the islands too,” said Will Shafroth, president of the National Park Foundation. “The community of national park supporters is stronger than ever and growing bigger every single day.”
I received the following email this morning:

national park foundation celebrating 50 year anniversary logo over sequoia trees

Fifty years ago today, in 1967, Congress passed the official charter to establish the National Park Foundation. Since our inception, the National Park Foundation has been rooted in a legacy of private citizens from all walks of life donating to support and protect our national parks.
We celebrate 50 years of passionate work to help PROTECT more than 84 million acres of national parks through critical conservation and preservation efforts, CONNECT all Americans with their incomparable natural landscapes, vibrant culture and rich history, and ENGAGE the next generation of park stewards.
Today, we celebrate not only the early efforts of visionaries like former first lady of the United States Lady Bird Johnson and philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller, who together lobbied Congress to create our charter.
But also, we celebrate YOU — the countless friends and supporters who have helped make our organization what it is today. With your help, the National Park Foundation has worked tirelessly to help safeguard these grand yet vulnerable national treasures. Together, we will continue the tradition of national pride in these sacred places that endure as America's great common ground.
We invite you to join us today, and throughout the coming year, in celebrating our 50th anniversary. Together we will commemorate not only the many initiatives the National Park Foundation achieved in the past, but also the many more accomplishments and memories we will create together for years to come.
Thank you for being part of the National Park Foundation family. After all, together #WeAreParks.
Thank You!
P.S. Want to read more about what exciting work we have been able to accomplish over the years? Visit our blog to learn more. 
To read more, go here

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