Friday, December 29, 2017

New Year's Day In Little Tokyo

Above, taiko drum performers in Weller Court. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It seems that each time I've attended the Oshogatsu New Year's Day celebration in the Little Tokyo section of Los Angeles I manage to have a good year. I've also been able to have reunions with my former boss, ex-Assemblyman Paul Bannai while there.

Above, former Assemblyman Paul Bannai and yours truly at the 2014 Oshogatsu.

Such was the case of last year. So, I am planning on heading over to Little Tokyo on Monday to attend the 2018 Oshogatsu celebration.

Above, the Nisei Week queen and her court in 2017. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

There, vendors set up tables of Japanese food and goods (including Godzilla toys) for sale to attendees. They also have performers at Weller Court.

The events are free to the public and it is a good event for the whole family.

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