Thursday, December 14, 2017

No More Oval Office Striped Wallpaper!

Above, the replica Oval Office at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Last summer, President Trump did something that I had been clamoring for: he got rid of the horrid striped wallpaper Barack Obama installed in the Oval Office.

According to the Mercury News:
As much as Donald Trump was derided for initially taking himself away for a 17-day golf vacation, his long absence from the White House was necessary for an important reason. 
It allowed a team of more than 200 people from multiple agencies to complete much-needed renovations on the West Wing and the home’s interior. 
The main work on “the people’s house” involved not very glamorous updates: replacing an overworked heating and air conditioning system, refreshing floors, woodworking and paint and repairing the South Portico steps for the first time since the Truman administration, CNN reported, following a tour the White House gave to reporters Wednesday. 
Of course, the most intriguing site of renovation work was the Oval Office, the seat of power in the America and the free world.

The Oval Office looks a lot better now that the striped wallpaper is gone.

To see what the Oval Office looks like today, go here

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