Saturday, December 2, 2017

Walmart Selling 'Antifa' Goods

The Looney Left Report

It looks like I am not going to shop at Walmart anymore. It's time to boycott Walmart.

Why? It is because they are selling goods celebrating (or however one wants to characterize it) Antifa.

What is Antifa?

From Breitbart:
“Antifa,” or Anti-Fascist Action, is an informal grouping of communist, anarchist, and other far-left street gangs. Drawing inspiration from the German Communist Party’s street fighters of the 1930s, the modern movement grew out of the European far-left punk scene in the 1980s. These unapologetically violent bands of leftists were largely unknown in the United States until recent years, when America’s post-Occupy Wall Street far-left began adopting the name. 
Antifa is well known for dozens of violent crimes against people they consider “fascists” on both sides of the Atlantic. 

How can Walmart be so stupid by selling this crap?

To read more, go here.

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