Thursday, January 4, 2018

"5 Things To Do In Nagasaki"

Above, the Port of Nagasaki. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Venturing out of Tokyo, and even Honshu, is well worth the experience for tourists. There's a lot more to Japan than one would expect. The people are different and so are the cuisines in many cases.

Going down to Kyushu is one way to see more of Japan. I did it in 2007 and it was one of the best Japan trips I ever took. One of the places I visited was Nagasaki.

The Philippine Star has an article on "5 Things To Do In Nagasaki".

They begin with:
NAGASAKI, Japan — The city of Nagasaki in Japan’s Kyushu Island was the country’s window to the rest of the world as it was the only port open during the national isolation from 1641 to 1858. 
Until today, the port city reflects a mixture of Japanese, European and Chinese influences as an indirect effect of the policy. 
Below is a list of activities for those who would like to visit the city on the southern island of Kyushu.

To read more, go here

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