Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Flu or Cold?

We've been hearing a lot about this year's flu season. It has been worse this season and has caused a number of deaths.

I came down with a cold or flu a month ago during the fires in and around the San Fernando Valley. I went to the doctor and the prescribed medication knocked it off in short order.

Last night, I was having bouts of sneezing and coughing, which continued on today. I don't know if this is another cold or flu or the same one from a month ago that decided to come back.

Fortunately for me, I have ten day's worth of Montelukast tablets left over from last month's bout. I started taking them last night.

If this is a new cold/flu, I suspect it came from when I went to the market or U-Haul last Friday. This came abruptly and at the wrong time since I have a lot of packing to do.

What's the difference between a flu and a cold? According to the Center For Disease Control (CDC):

Flu vs Cold

Signs and SymptomsInfluenzaCold
Symptom onsetAbruptGradual
FeverUsual; lasts 3-4 daysRare
AchesUsual; often severeSlight
ChillsFairly commonUncommon
Fatigue, weaknessUsualSometimes
Stuffy noseSometimesCommon
Sore throatSometimesCommon
Chest discomfort, coughCommon; can be severeMild to moderate; hacking cough

Flu Symptoms

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