Monday, January 15, 2018

Graceland Body Mystery

Above, Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Here's a weird story.

An Ohio woman allegedly passed away from natural causes across the street from Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion in Memphis and was taken by a flagged ambulance. Now nobody can seem to find any trace of her body.

According to
Philip and Roberta Snider left their Hartville home Jan. 4 for possibly their last trip to Graceland, the Tennessee home of Elvis Presley. 
Only Philip made it home. 
He told his family, and later police, that Roberta — who would have turned 70 on Monday and had several serious medical issues — died in their Ford F-150 in a Memphis hotel parking lot across the street from the place that bills itself as the world’s most famous rock ’n’ roll residence. 
Philip never called 911. He told police he saw an ambulance in a parking lot adjacent to the motel and waved it down for help. 
Emergency medical technicians whisked Roberta’s body away, Philip told police, but he didn’t know where they took her, so he came home. 
Roberta’s brother called Hartville police this week after hearing what happened, hoping they could help the family bring Roberta’s body home. 
“We talked to her husband who said she passed of natural causes,” Hartville Police Chief Larry Dordea said Thursday. “At first blush, what happened seemed reasonable.” 
But Dordea has since discovered that Tennessee authorities have no record of Roberta’s body, nor any Jane Doe who matches her description.

To read more, go here.

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