Thursday, January 18, 2018

Interior Department Cheers Resignations

Above, a view from Old Faithful Inn. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Nine members of an advisory committee on the national parks resigned. The liberal media has been screaming over this. For the Trump Administration, the resignations were just a political stunt and they're glad to see them goPark Ser.

According to The Hill:
The Interior Department said it welcomes the resignations of most members of an advisory committee on national parks. 
In letters first reported Tuesday by The Washington Post, advisory committee members said Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke wasn’t meeting with them or consulting them on key issues like his proposal to increase some parks’ fees. 
But Interior spokeswoman Heather Swift said in a statement the nine members of the 12-person National Park System Advisory Board had ignored sexual assault problems at the National Park Service (NPS) while supporting former Director Jonathan Jarvis despite ethics violations, among other problems.

To read more, go here

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