Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Today wasn't as productive as I hoped, from a moving standpoint.

I had to take Jess to a couple of appointments today and while she was there, I, at least was able to pick up more boxes at U-Haul and a fifty foot 30 amp extension cord for the RV so I would have power to run the electric heater inside. Jess is flying to her father's in Iowa tomorrow, so all has to be ready for her flight.

It was enjoyable for me to see Asya in Santa Monica yesterday. Since then, I have been hearing from other friends today including Dawn, J. D. Lees (yes, of G-FAN) and Deanna Carola (a fitness model friend in Las Vegas). I'll have to make sure I respond to them all.

The physical work in packing stuff, as well as lifting full boxes, is beginning to take its toll. I will be glad when this is all over. There is where ones feels his age!

I did order a rental car in Albuquerque for next week, when I am in Gallup to sign the closing papers and pay the title company in full. I also bought my round-trip flight to Albuquerque. The whole trip will just be for 24 hours.

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