Monday, January 1, 2018

No Commercial Passenger Jet Crashes In 2017

Above, an airliner takes off from LAX. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

For some reason, when I first read this story, my mind immediately flashed back to the movie Airplane! (1980) where a parody of 60 Minutes' "Point/Counterpoint" had the liberal and conservative debaters discuss the possible crash of the jet.

The "conservative" said:
They knew what they were getting into [or something like that]. I say, let it crash!

This should be great news for people who are deathly afraid to fly in a commercial jet.

The Independent (U.K.) reported:
In a year when more people flew to more places than ever, 2017 was the safest on record for airline passengers. 
The Dutch-based aviation consultancy, To70, has released its Civil Aviation Safety Review for 2017. It reports only two fatal accidents, both involving small turbo-prop aircraft, with a total of 13 lives lost.  
No jets crashed in passenger service anywhere in the world. 

To read more, go here.

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