Friday, January 12, 2018

"Sh*thole" Story Falling Apart

Above, Sen. "Little" Dick Durbin.

Not that I am surprised, but the narrative that President Trump referred to some Third World countries as "sh*tholes" is falling apart.

According to Breaking News:
All the liberal media wants to talk about lately is the fact that Trump allegedly called some third world countries a “s***hole”. Sure, that’s not the nicest word in the world. But, are we seriously trying to argue that Haiti isn’t a total disaster? We all know that liberals hate Trump but this is a bit much isn’t it?
However, it doesn’t really matter because we don’t even know if Trump said it.  We are now seeing several people walk back the claim that Trump said what he allegedly said. In fact, some GOP senators are going on the record that he never said it.
In a joint statement issued Friday afternoon by Sens. David Perdue, R-Georgia, and Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, who were in the room, they claimed that they don’t recall Mr. Trump making the comment.
“President Trump brought everyone to the table this week and listened to both sides. But regrettably, it seems that not everyone is committed to negotiating in good faith,” they said. “In regards to Senator Durbin’s accusation, we do not recall the President saying these comments specifically but what he did call out was the imbalance in our current immigration system, which does not protect American workers and our national interest. We, along with the President, are committed to solving an issue many in Congress have failed to deliver on for decades."
Senator "Little" Dick Durbin (as Mark Levin calls him) has a history of making up stories. Go here to find out more.

To read more, go here. 

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