Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Snow Coming to Jamestown

Above, from a previous snowstorm.

Progress is being made in dumping stuff that I no longer need or want today.

I dumped out some furniture and tossed some literature and other papers. Since I dumped out a small table and drawers, I needed to pack up some stuff (including a printer). This necessitated a trek to a box store to pick up some boxes and packing tape.

On my way back, I was hit by a huge deluge of rain. This was fine as the rains from last night covered the car with leaves and other stuff from the trees overhead. It is now cleaned off.

During my break in packing and dumping stuff,  I took a look at the weather forecast for Jamestown, New Mexico and snow is coming to the area tonight.


Just hope we get clear days when the movers show up to unpack.

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