Sunday, January 21, 2018

Some National Parks Open, Some Not During #ShumerShutdown

Above, Lower Yellowstone Fall. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

During the 2013 government shutdown, President Obama vowed to make the shutdown "as painful as possible." 

However, during this year's #SchumerShutdown, President Trump is trying to keep open as many national parks and monuments as possible. We are seeing mixed results.

According to the Detroit News:
Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. – Visitors could still ride snowmobiles and ski into Yellowstone National Park Saturday to marvel at the geysers and buffalo herds, despite the federal government shutdown. 
But across the country in New York, the nation’s most famous monuments to immigration — the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island — were closed. 
The Interior Department had vowed to keep open as many parks, monuments and public lands as possible during the shutdown, which began at midnight Friday on the East Coast. 
By mid-day Saturday, the pattern was spotty, and some visitors were frustrated. 
“My initial reaction is, they really kind of screwed up our day. We had a great day planned,” said Dan O’Meara, a California firefighter who wanted to visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. 
“But the next thing is, you know — it’s troubling that the people we voted in are not doing the job that they’re supposed to be doing. So, it’s very frustrating,” he said.

To read more, go here

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