Monday, January 1, 2018

Ten Years of the Ol' Rancho

Above, the header used after the blog hit one million views.

It is hard to believe it, but 2018 marks ten years since I started Armand's Rancho del Cielo blog (named after Ronald Reagan's ranch near Santa Barbara).

Originally, I used a free webpage benefit that AOL used to have. It was called "Armand's Corner of the Net". When they discontinued that benefit, I found Blogger has free blogs. So, I started this one.

I actually started this blog in April 2008, so the actual anniversary month will be three months from now.

It had undergone a few design changes over the years, but it still provides an outlet for me to discuss subjects of interest (at least to me). Apparently I am doing something right since I have over 2 million page views to date.

The current header was created by the talented Asya, who used one of my photos of The Mittens in Monument Valley.

Thanks for reading, and especially, to my followers!


  1. Congrats and thank you for many years of info.

  2. Thanks and congratulations on your "The Federalist" blog passing four million! - A.
