Saturday, February 10, 2018

10 Places On RV Bucket List

Above, the Phantom Ship at Crater Lake National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

If you happen to be a RVer, there are probably places that are on your "must see" or "bucket list".

Do It Yourself RV has one couple's bucket list of ten places they would like to travel to. Some of the places they have listed I've been to, most recently last summer.

They begin with:
Most people have some sort of bucket list. 
Be it a hand written, novel-length list of things you absolutely must do before you die, or a more informal list that exists solely in your head and consists of things such as seeing your kids grow up to be well adjusted adults or having a long and happy marriage. 
Whatever’s on the list, you probably have one. 
But what about an RV bucket list? RVers tend to make lofty, far-reaching bucket lists.
Goals such as spending the night in all 50 states, visiting all the national parks, and traveling X amount of days per year top the list for many. 
Long before my husband and I set off on our full-timing RV adventure, we started our RV bucket list. 
By the time we had purchased and renovated our RV, downsized our possessions, sold our house, and set off on the road, we had a pretty exhaustive list of places we wanted to go, experiences we wanted to have, and food we wanted to eat. 
Nearly two and half years of travel later we’re still adding new things to the list. But we’ve also checked a ton of things off our bucket list. 
Here’s an abbreviated version of my RV bucket list. I’ve included both the things I’ve already checked off the list and the things that remain. 
How about you? What’s on your RV bucket list?

To read more, go here

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