Monday, February 26, 2018

David "The Attention" Hogg Exposed

Above, David Hogg.

My, my.

Ever since the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida last week, a so-called "student" named David Hogg has been basking in the limelight by appearing on different networks' news.

It turns out that there is more to David "The Attention" Hogg than meets the eye.

According to NeonNettle:
As more and more questions about the authenticity of some of the Flordia shooting witnesses emerge, it has been revealed that David Hogg may not only be a 'crisis actor' but also a puppet for the John Podesta funded Center For Amerian Progress. 
A quick look back at his tweets reveals Hogg's posts seemed to be dedicated to the Podesta organization. 
On the surface, the organization mission statement is to prevent sexual assaults, but as we all know, anything connected to the Clintons warrants further investigation. 
And, an Antifa group claims he was not a student where the shooting took place:
“David Hogg didn’t attend #Parkland high school. I went to school with him at Redondo Shores High School in California and he graduated in 2015. Here he is in our yearbook from 2015. He always wanted to work for CNN and be an actor.” 

The liberal media is trying to debunk the aforementioned. Even if they are, there's no denying that this kid is an attention hog.

To read more, go here.

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