Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Driveway Camping

Above, The Beast with the power cord to the garage. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Moving from one state (California, or, as friends call it: Commiefornia) to another (New Mexico) has been an interesting experience.

It has been 20 years since I last moved, but that was from one section of the San Fernando Valley to another. This involved buying a house and setting up the necessities such as water, electric, propane, Wi-Fi and trash pick-up.

All that has been accomplished and I took some time this morning to go into Gallup for some grocery shopping and looking over some furniture. I found some good deals at a furniture store and will be making a puchase shortly.

Above, the "dogbone" power adapter for The Beast. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Yesterday was relaxing. All I mainly did was to sit in The Beast and watch some snowflakes (not the liberal kind) fall. It was too warm out for them to stick and accumulate, but it was entertaining nontheless.

The Beast is hooked up to the house power plug with a 30 amp "dogbone" adapter in the garage. It was a good thing I bought one of those when I first bought the motorhome. I have power to the RV to run the ceramic heater to save propane.

Sierra has been occupied looking out the RV's big window at the birds and rabbits outside.

Now that I finally have a Wi-Fi hook-up (a mobile hotspot), I can resume writing in this blog.

The only major thing that is left is for the movers to deliver my stuff and to unpack. Not particularly looking forward to that. The delivery window is to February 12. Meanwhile, I am comfortable in The Beast for the duration.

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