Monday, February 26, 2018

Sheriff Scott Israel Must Go!

There have been some crazy statements that public officials have made over the years, but this one certainly takes the cake. reported:
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel told a reporter that his deputy failing to enter the school while the shooting was in progress was not his responsibility. 
“I gave him a gun. I gave him a badge. I gave him the training,” Sheriff Israel told an NBC6 South Florida reporter in a video interview tweeted by Erika Glover. “If he didn’t have the heart to go in, that’s not my responsibility.”
If you are the ONLY police officer with a gun and an obligation to rescue and protect those kids, I don't care if no other officers will be coming before CNN arrives - get in there and kill the bastard with the gun!  No excuses, no hiding, no equivocating.  That is what the officers all sign up for and they know it.  You rush in, not wait, not strategize, you rush the building and take out as many shooters as possible and protect the innocents, regardless of the cost to your own life.  Pure, simple, unequivocal.

The failure by the Broward County Sheriff's Department is one of epic proportions! As the man in charge, Israel bears full responsibility. He should immediately resign or be fired!

He's "not responsible", he says? Obviously, he doesn't get the concept of respondeat superior.

To read more, go here.

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