Saturday, February 17, 2018

Tokyo Sightseeing

Above, the Tokyo Skytree. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Need some ideas for sightseeing in Tokyo?

The Kyoto-centric blog Kyotours Japan has some suggestions for places to see while in Japan's capital city.

They begin with:
We're all about Kyoto here at KyoTours Japan, but that doesn't mean we don't have other favorite spots all over Japan. Our Beyond Kyoto series of blogs is all about things to do and places to visit throughout Japan. Today, we'll fill you in on a few  unique locations in Tokyo, the world's largest city and a must-see spot on any Japan vacation. Some of these places are well known, and some are off the beaten path, but we think they're all worth visiting! A bit of googling and online research can provide location info and visiting hours for all of these sightseeing spots. Enjoy!

To read more (with photographs), go here

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