Wednesday, March 28, 2018

California Sanctuary State Resistance Growing

The People's Republic of Commiefornia has a major problem.

Several governmental entities are resisting the state's "Sanctuary State" laws by voting to opt out or notifying ICE about impending releases of criminal illegal aliens. This will likely put the Democrats who run the state into a bind.

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune:
The clash between California and President Donald Trump over the state’s so-called sanctuary laws and immigration in general has been portrayed as a conflict pitting the entire state against the president, but now pockets of California are making it clear that their leaders do not agree with laws that shield unauthorized immigrants. 
California laws that went into effect on Jan. 1 restrain how federal agents go about detaining unauthorized immigrants for deportation in cities throughout the state. Trump’s justice department has since sued the state over its three laws — Senate Bill 54 or the “California Values Act,” Assembly Bill 450 or the “Workplace Raid” law and Assembly Bill 103 or the “Detention Review” law — arguing that they are unconstitutional. 
In recent weeks, some cities and at least one sheriff’s department in California are also pushing back against the laws. Here’s who is opposing them, and how.

If leftist California Attorney General Xavier Becerra decides to sue these cities, counties and sheriff departments, it just may backfire in his and Governor Brown's faces if the courts rule that the laws are unconstitutional. Grab some popcorn and sit back and watch!

To read more, go here

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