Friday, March 2, 2018

California's Quality of Life Is The Worst

Well, this really doesn't come as a surprise to me, but it is really sad that the once "Golden State" has become the "Garbage State". 

California has come in dead last in a survey on the quality of life for its citizens.

Fox News reported:
Awards season is in full swing in California, and the Golden State just took home a booby prize of its own. 
California ranks dead last among U.S. states in quality of life, according to a study by U.S. News, ranking behind New Jersey (49th) and Indiana (48th). 
The ignominious honor reflects California’s low marks in the sub-categories of environmental quality and social engagement. The latter category measures voting participation and community bonds.

Californians scored poorly in part because they’re simply insufferable, U.S. News suggested. 
“In addition to a healthy environment, a person’s quality of life is largely a result of their interactions with those around them,” the magazine wrote in a blurb accompanying the results. 
One way to measure quality life is whether residents can even afford to have a roof over their heads, and by that standard, California is failing. 
In regard to the cost of rentals in California, my last rent was $1,034 per month. This is only because I lived at my apartment two months shy of 20 years. Most everyone else in the building are paying $1,300 to $1,500 per month for a one-bedroom apartment.

Although there's a housing shortage, California is still building homes just about everywhere. My question for all this building is, "Where are you going to get the water for these people?"

Of course, when you have a bunch of leftist lunatics running the state, infrastructure improvements and sound planning suffer. I am glad that I left that cesspool.

To read more, go here.

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