Thursday, March 15, 2018

Home Again!

Above, that white stuff is hail. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

My little trek to Albuquerque is over and I had just arrived home.

I had to go into Albuquerque to take care of a couple of things that I was unable to do in Gallup. I figured that I would take the opportunity to make it an overnighter and stay at the Route 66 Casino's RV Resort. It is located about 20 miles from downtown Albuquerque.

More about the Route 66 RV Resort in another blog post.

After taking care of business (I was done by 11:05), I headed back home. The drive home was uneventful (in a good way) until I got to about 15 miles from my exit. I drove right into a rainstorm that eventually turned into a hailstorm and then snow showers with 45 mph winds. This lasted until about a mile from my exit.

I headed into the Flying J to put some gasoline into The Beast and the storms held off until I pulled into my driveway. Then it started to hail.

Now, it is just raining.

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