Thursday, March 29, 2018

Larry King Says Second Amendment Was For Slave Owners

The Looney Left Report

The radicalism of the far Left is coming out into the open, folks! Some are openly stating that they want to eliminate the Second Amendment!

TMZ caught up with former CNN host Larry King and King made the most incredible statements on the Second Amendment and the NRA, right on camera.

According to The Hill:
Former CNN star Larry King said Wednesday that he would support repealing the Second Amendment because “it’s poorly written” and represents an outdated time. 
“What’d they mean by militia?” King asked TMZ
The Hulu host said the Second Amendment was included in the Constitution at the insistence of "Southern senators so they could ward off slaves uprising." 
“And the [National Rifle Association] is the worst,” King added.

To read more and see the video, go here

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