Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Looney Left Report: California Out of Control

The Looney Left Report

Seeing articles like the one I am about to present makes me even more glad that I moved out of California (i.e., Commiefornia).

I've long said that the state has been taken over by a party (the Democrat Party) filled with lunatics. There is no opposition party to speak of. The lunatics have been passing laws, raising taxes and coming up with policies unfettered.

Fox News posted an Opinion article, "Trump Is Right -- California Is Out of Control". It presents a number of things the Democrats have done in the state.

Just to name a few:
What is out of control is California’s ruling class. Much of its political agenda is hostile to basic human liberty and mocks the limits on what government should be allowed to do in an ostensibly free society.  
Likely the sharpest thorn in Trump’s side is California lawmakers’ contempt of our federal system. States enjoy wide latitude to pursue their own destinies. The 10th Amendment provides states with “powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States,” but it doesn’t allow them to conduct their own foreign policy, which is the province of the federal executive branch. 
Yet California has decided that it is a sanctuary state where federal immigration laws don’t apply. Since Jan. 1, state and local law enforcement officers have been barred by law from cooperating with federal immigration enforcement. 
Like the Legislature, Gov. Jerry Brown has also dabbled in foreign affairs. He’s invited “the whole world” to a climate summit in San Francisco this year and has signed climate deals with Chinese officials.  
While Brown played on the world stage, state lawmakers were hard at work at home banning plastic shopping bags from grocery stores, proposing to criminalize what they see is the irresponsible use of plastic straws, and continuing to raise taxes, which are already the most backbreaking in the nation. 
If all this isn’t enough to convince the rest of the country that California lawmakers are out of control, add to it legislation that regulates cattle flatulence in the name of the climate; a law that requires greenhouse gas emissions to be cut 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, even though the law’s language says it will “at least” cost “hundreds of millions of dollars” a year; and a $15 minimum wage by 2022 that Brown admitted “may not make sense” economically and will without question depress employment.

To read more about the "the Land of Kooks", go here.

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