Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Patio Tinkering Today

Above, the chairs and table on the brick deck in the side yard. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Part of today was spent cleaning up some old patio furniture that I had at the apartment in Tarzana.

It had been a while since I last used them there and they got pretty dirty over the years. I used a combination of a bottled cleaner and a bucket full of hot water and dish soap along with a scrub brush. That got the job done.

Above, testing out the outdoor lights. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The furniture consists of two stackable plastic chairs and small table. When I finished cleaning them, I put them over at the brick "deck" further back in the side yard. The new dining table set will remain on the wooden deck.

Thank goodness today was a reasonably warm day (upper 50s to lower 60s). It was also the warmest evening (in the upper 40s) tonight since I've been here. I was able to comfortably test the outdoor lights near the wooden and brick decks. Both worked fine. The light switch is under the wooden deck.

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