Monday, March 26, 2018

Rattlesnakes Beware!

"Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?" - Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Above, the box of "Shotshell" anti-snake rounds. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

As we are now in springtime and getting nearer to April, I had been advised to beware of rattlesnakes. I was told that they generally come out of hibernation in April. In fact, a former resident of my home had lost a dog to a rattlesnake.

When I visited Warrior Women Gun Supply last week, I was shown some special .38 SPL/.357 Magnum "Shotshell" ammo. I was told that this ammo is very effective against rattlesnakes. These rounds can blow their heads clean off!

Today, I went down to the Flying J to pick up my mail and to have lunch at Denny's (it was a cheeseburger, in case you were wondering). On the way home, I stopped at Warrior Women Gun Supply to pick up some rounds of "Shotshell" ammo. I figured that I should get it now before the other locals buy up the supply.

It's a good thing I never got rid of my two .38 SPL/.357 Magnum revolvers. They may just come in handy this coming snake season.

You gotta ask yourself a question, "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, snake?

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