Monday, March 19, 2018

Roswell UFO Festival and Manuelito Visitor Center

Above, the Manuelito Visitor Center near the Arizona border off of I-40. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This morning, I had some business to attend to in Gallup. While there, I decided to go on further west to the state line (20 miles) and enter Arizona a little bit to make a raid on the Big Teepee's humidor.

While I was in the area, I also went to the New Mexico Manuelito Visitor Center to pick up some literature, if they had any, on Roswell. Sure enough, they did.

I picked up a card on the Roswell 2018 UFO Festival that will be taking place on July 6-8.

Above, the advertising card for this summer's UFO Festival in Roswell. 

Also, (I had to ask a clerk as I didn't see any out in the literature racks) I obtained this Roswell Visitors Guide:

The Manuelito Visitor Center is a nice modern facility and it also has a rest area with shelters (each one has a picnic table and barbecue grill). Inside the Visitor Center, there are staff members who can answer any tourist's questions.

Above, the rest area and shelters. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

For those who are traveling to New Mexico, the Visitor Center is well worth a stop.

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