Friday, March 30, 2018

RV Garage Potential Locations

Above, the humble abode today. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It was a nice warm day to stroll around my second acre.

The other acre was inspected by me to find a suitable location for the storage garage/shed for The Beast.

There's plenty of room on the acre, but I need to have a level spot for the garage to be erected on and near enough to run a 30 amp power line from either the house garage or from the electric meter pole (there's two outlets there) so I can have power to the RV and for lighting.

I walked through the lot a second time in the after noon with my neighbors Jerry and Jonni Brown (of Warrior Women Gun Supply) to get their opinions on a location. Jerry suggested having the garage more even and slightly closer to the street than the house so I can keep it in better view. I mentioned that I want to run a power line to the RV garage/shed so I can power the RV and a lighting system.

A spot near the electric meter pole would be good except it is too far back. Another location more in front and even with the RV in the driveway would be ideal. It would be close enough to run a power line from the garage to that spot (the power line can be buried).

Anyway, here's the locations I am considering:

Above, this area is flat and close enough to the power pole to be feasible. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above, this is the location a little more north. A power line can come from
 the house garage or the pole in the background. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above, this is the most promising location as it is further north and can be seen from the house. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above, the location in the photo immediately above this one is even
 with the RV currently in the driveway. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above, the present outlets below the electric meter. It shouldn't
 be difficult to add a 30 amp outlet here. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

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