Sunday, March 18, 2018

Students Suspended For Going To Gun Range With Family

The Looney Left Report

This sounds like something from The Onion. Only it isn't.

What is the difference between school administrators/teachers who are either a.) assholes, b.) lunatics or c.) both?

Answer: Absolutely nothing!

Here's a story from that provides proof of the above:
Here's an outrageous story to end the week.  
A pair of students in New Jersey were reportedly suspended, one for an entire school week, after officials saw they went to the gun range with family and posted a photo of the outing on social media. 
Sounds far-fetched? Here's where Townhall got the story:
A New Jersey school district that allegedly suspended two high school students this week over a gun photo taken during a family visit to a private shooting range is facing community backlash and the threat of a lawsuit over district policies. 
The photo of four rifles, ammunition clips and a gun duffel bag was shared by one of the students on the social media app Snapchat with the caption "fun day at the range," according to Lacey Township resident Amanda Buron, a family friend of one of the students. 
A screen capture of the image made the rounds among other students and later brought to the attention of Lacey Township High School officials. Buron said the students received a five-day in-school suspension for violating the school's policy on weapons possession.
What?! One cannot possess weapons to go to a firing range with family members?

As Townhall pointed out:
Not only do tyrannical, leftist school administrators believe constitutional rights end once students step onto campus, they apparently also believe they shouldn't be exercised freely outside of school jurisdiction. 

To read more, go here.

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