Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The "Thing"

After blogging about finally receiving the patio set today, I sent a link to my blog post to my "honorary sister" Diane with the above photo.

Apparently, something caught her eye.

She wrote back:
That looks nice.  What is this thing though?  Is it a water area for bunnies to drink?*

Along with her reply, she sent this blow-up:

My reply:
That "thing" is (I'm guessing) a painted tractor tire used as a planter or something. It was devoid of anything when I bought the place. I thought it would be perfect to display a 80 lb. chunk of petrified wood my grandfather lugged out of the desert during the 1930s or 1940s. So, I put the petrified wood in the center of it (rather, I had the movers put it there).

*She has a thing for bunnies. She has several as pets.

Here is a closer view of The "Thing":

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