Saturday, March 24, 2018

Trump Bent Over And Spread His Ass Cheeks

Yesterday, after President Trump signed the Bush/Obama spending bill, I was so pissed off that I just had to get out and head over to the Flying J for an ice cream sundae.

As the old saying goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough gets ice cream." Admittedly, the sundae did brighten my mood a little bit.

Today, Fox News reported that this has been the general reaction of other Trump supporters (I don't know if they went out for ice cream as well). There is definitely a backlash going on!

They wrote:
President Trump faces losing support from his base in the wake of his decision Friday to sign a controversial and much-derided $1.3 trillion spending bill -- over not only its size but its failure to fund his campaign promise of a wall on the U.S. southern border. 
Trump briefly threatened to veto the legislation, voted through the House and Senate on Thursday and early Friday in order to avoid a government shutdown. 
Conservatives balked at the $1.3 trillion price tag, as well as the failure to promote Republican causes such as the defunding of Planned Parenthood and the funding of the wall on the southern border in particular. While the legislation served up $1.6 billion for border security, it mainly consisted of repairs and additions to already existing fencing.  
Yet despite his distancing himself from it, the very act of him signing it enraged his base. A White House official told Axios that the reaction to the signing "is the hardest I've ever seen the base turn on Trump over anything." 
"A big reason why people voted for him was because of his apparent willingness to stand up to the entrenched political class in both parties," the official said. "Voters wanted a fighter who wouldn't back down to 'the swamp' like a 'typical politician.'"

Frankly, President Trump, by signing the bill, essentially bent over and spread his ass cheeks for the establishment Republicans and Democrats.  The $1.3 trillion was bad enough, but the bill also contained some language that jeopardizes the Second Amendment rights of senior citizens. This was something that Obama would approve of. (I wrote about this in another blog post.)

Accordingly, as of now I am suspending my support for Trump and the Republican Party. He and the GOP would go a long way in regaining my support if they correct this anti-Second Amendment language. But as of now, "I am out of here!"

To read more of the Fox News article, go here.


  1. I am in sympathy with your feelings.

    But let me point out the Congress, not the President, controls spending. The GOP is simply telling every American to go FUCK THEMSELVES and that we need to live with open borders, lower wages, spending and debt.

    The open borders GOP does not represent the voters. It does the bidding of the Wall Street interests who fund their campaigns and who want unlimited cheap labor.

  2. Gary, I am well aware that Congress controls spending. As bad as it is, I am not as bothered by the spending as I am about how Congress let the Second Amendment screw-job on seniors (that's you and me, by the way) into this bill. The big portion of blame goes to the GOP, particularly Ryan and McConnell. But Trump allowed this mess go through with his signature.

    He could have told them to "clean up" this bill or veto it. We could stand a shut-down for a few days.
