Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Where To See Geisha In Tokyo

Above, a girl dressed as a geisha near Sensoji in Asakusa. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Tokyo Cheapo has an article on five places in Tokyo where visitors can see geisha.

Yes, there are still people who think that their vacation to Japan isn't complete unless they see a geisha. We happened to see some in Kyoto a little over two years ago and I saw one young lady dressed up in traditional geisha garb at Sensoji in Asakusa. She was dressed for a photo or video shoot at the temple.

But, if you are one of those who just has to see a geisha, the article is right up your alley.

They begin with:
Everyone knows about geisha, be it from that (in)famous book, the movie or general Japan knowledge. And seeing one is often high on the list of anyone visiting—but how do you make it happen? While Kyoto (one of Japan’s ancient capitals) has the reputation for traditional Japanese experiences like kimono fittings, tea ceremony and geisha, there are plenty of opportunities in Tokyo too. Geisha are performers; classically trained in a range of skills including the art of conversation, playing instruments like the shamisen, drinking games, poetry recital and dance. These skills are practiced and honed for years in training and are employed for entertainment at high-end events and dinners. 
Unsurprisingly and understandably, seeing a real geisha is expensive and can be difficult to arrange for foreigners in Japan. Ozashiki, the places where geisha perform, often have a referral-only policy and many are (let’s put it politely) reluctant to allow foreigners in. You have options though, don’t worry! You can enjoy a traditional sit-down evening with a geisha, spot them in the streets or wave at them during festival appearances, depending on your budget.

To read more, go here

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