Friday, April 20, 2018

Democrats Sue Russia, Wikileaks and Trump Campaign

The Looney Left Report

Well, the Democrat Party is suing the Trump campaign, Wikileaks and the Russian Federation for "conspiring to disrupt" the 2016 campaign.

According to CNBC:
The Democratic Party on Friday sued President Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the Russian government and the Wikileaks group, claiming a broad illegal conspiracy to help Trump win the 2016 election. 
The multi-million-dollar lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court says that "In the Trump campaign, Russia found a willing and active partner in this effort" to mount "a brazen attack on American Democracy," which included Russian infiltration of the Democratic Party computer network. 
The Trump campaign, according to the lawsuit, "gleefully welcomed Russia's help." 
The suit says that "preexisting relationships with Russia and Russian oligarchs" with Trump and Trump associates "provided fertile ground for [the] Russia-Trump conspiracy." 
The common purpose of the scheme, according to the Democratic National Committee, was to "bolster Trump and denigrate the Democratic Party nominee," Hillary Clinton, while boosting the candidacy of Trump, "whose policies would benefit the Kremlin."

This is all an exercise in stupidity. If anyone has more of a cause of action it would be the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee for the phony dossier and other Democrat collusions and dirty tricks.

I envision that the GOP side will counter-sue. The Democrats are opening a big can of worms!

To read more, go here


  1. You are missing what is really happening.

    Roger Stone and Alex Jones alone have had about 20 lawsuits filed against them this last year. Stone by himself has spent over $1,000,000 on legal fees. The Leftist filth are using the endless years long court process to intimidate and bankrupt anyone daring to use his 1st Amendment rights.

    Let me add yet again ---- THE GOP IS SILENT while Conservatives are attacked and shut down by Socialist scum.

  2. Gary, you are exactly right. This is a typical tactic by leftist scum! - A.
