Thursday, April 12, 2018

GOP Fights "Lyin'" James Comey With Website

Wow! When my "honorary sister" sent me this, I could have fallen out of my chair! (Well, I definitely would have fallen out had I been sitting outside as there are 35+ m.p.h. winds blowing.)

The Republican Party is actually fighting back?!

From Fox News:
The Republican National Committee launched an aggressive campaign to paint fired FBI Director James Comey as a liar, just days before the airing of his first interview since he was cut loose and shortly before the release next week of his tell-all memoir. 
The RNC borrowed a term, coined by then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential primaries for “Lyin’ Ted Cruz,” and pegged it to the embattled former chief of the FBI. 
The RNC’s new website is, where the GOP plans to fact check Comey’s book and use “rapid response” to highlight any “misstatements” or “contradictions” in it, according to an RNC official.

Now, if they would only do this against the Democrats during this election season!

To read more, go here

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