Thursday, April 26, 2018

Pig Brains Kept Alive OUTSIDE Their Bodies

This is something that is right up Dr. Frankenstein's (or Dr. Niemann's) alley!

The Daily Mail (U.K.) reported:
Pig brains have been kept alive outside their bodies for the first time as part of a controversial new experiment. 
The brains of hundreds of pigs survived for up to 36 hours after the animals had been decapitated, researchers revealed. 
The radical experiments could pave the way for brain transplants and may one day allow humans to become immortal by hooking up our minds to artificial systems after our natural bodies have perished.

Well, if that should ever happen, the scientists or doctors conducting the transplants had better make sure the blood types match in order for the sensory nerves to be fed. Otherwise, the subject just may end up blind like Frankenstein's Monster (with Ygor's brain) in Ghost of Frankenstein.
"Vot goot iz a brain wit out eyes to see?" - Ygor.

To read more, go here.

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