Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Send Birthday Greetings To David Hedison

Diane Kachmar, biographer of actor David Hedison, posted the following on Facebook:
Now that we are all stuffed on our Easter candy and have had our (various) celebrations, I would like to announce that I'm opening the window to receive paper birthday cards for David for his 91st birthday on May 20. David's instructions to me for forwarding his mail are: NO gifts, no free autograph requests, no inappropriate letters and Diane has to open and read everything before she can send it. 
I would like you to send David upbeat, clean cards, he's is going to be 91. So if you would like to mail David a paper birthday card (he's not on-line, so posting on Facebook doesn't get to him) send it to: 
David Hedison
c/o Diane Kachmar
779 Carissa Drive
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411-3412 USA. 
All the cards I receive will be mailed out May 12, so they get there in time. 
Above, Armand with David Hedison at the 2010 Monsterpalooza.

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