Sunday, April 29, 2018

What A Dud!

Above, the storm clouds of yesterday afternoon. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The forecast for this weekend in Jamestown, New Mexico was occasional thunderstorms. I was very much looking for a nice light show.

Well, that turned out to be a big dud. Although I did hear a few rumblings of thunder yesterday afternoon, there were no lightning flashes to savor. Monsoon season will start in June here and will go through September. We should get some good thunderstorms then. It is predicted that this year's monsoon will be more intense. We'll see.

The good thing was that we did get some rain, which allows me to skip a day or two of watering the outside plants.

Most of the trees and plants in the yard are either in bloom or just budding. There is one tree that I am waiting on to start its spring budding. 

This morning, I am to meet up with an old friend formerly from Hawthorne (I've known him since junior high) for breakfast down at Denny's at the Flying J. He's a trucker and about 20 minutes ago, he indicated that he's about 70 miles on the way from Albuquerque. Considering how fast the trucks fly down Interstate 40 (the speed limit here is 75 m.p.h.), he should be here around eight o'clock.

His truck is for sale, by the way. I'll post something on it later. He can't retire until it's sold.

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