Sunday, May 27, 2018

Beware of California Phony Slate Mailers

The Looney Left Report

Radical leftists are trying to buy elective offices by sending out mailers implying that candidates are being endorsed by the Republican Party. These include non-partisan offices such as district attorneys, auditors, controllers and judges.

Beware of  phony endorsement mailers being sent out by Voter Guide Slate Cards of the Seedborg Campaigns company, who is affiliated with the West Los Angeles radical Democrat political machine headed up by Michael Berman. These "endorsements" are totally bogus as candidates pay to be included in these slate mailers. For all anyone knows, that candidate may be a total lunatic! 

If you receive such an endorsement mailer that implies that he/she is being endorsed by the Republican Party and it is sent out by Voter Guide Slate Cards, check with your county's Republican Party headquarters before voting.


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